FEATURES Reports & Dashboards Sales Performance Reports
Track sales performance inside out, in real time
Get comprehensive reports on productivity and performance

Thorough real estate sales performance analysis with Sell.Do CRM

Sales being the most important aspect of your business, Sell.Do lets you deep-dive into its data. At the click of a button, it enables you to see various sales performance reports, like site visit reports, calling reports, revenue reports and more. With such a piece of rich information available in real-time, you get to amplify your strategy if everything is working as expected. Or correct things before they go wrong.

Real Estate Sales Productivity CRM Reports

Generate productivity reports to track performance

Measure the performance of your sales team in real time with productivity reports that give you insight into calls made, follow ups made, follow ups pending & pending tasks, etc. Real time insight into productivity ensures you can bring work back on track before it impacts your sales!

Real Estate Sales Productivity CRM Reports

Visual Sales Reports

Make data more readable with visual sales reports

With Sell.Do, you can create reports in a visual format with graphics and charts - for example, lead volume & lead stage analysis, comparison reports and more - with one-click access to data that makes it easy to deep dive into specifics.

Visual Sales Reports

Revenue, Closures & Site Visit Reports by Sales or Teams

Measure success with revenue, closures & site visit reports

Measure the success of your sales with always-updated reports on revenue, closures and site visits. The reports can be generated based on sales, or based on team performance, and act as a great checking point on target performance.

Revenue, Closures & Site Visit Reports by Sales or Teams

Call Center Reports by Sales

Get insights from call details to better plan your business

With Sell.Do's call centre reports, you can understand daily talk time, call quality, average time duration, disposition of calls, how many breaks taken, when is volume going up and down and more. All the data you need to help you build capacity during launch and take business decisions.

Call Center Reports by Sales