FEATURES Omni-Channel Communication Call - India & International
Get state-of-the-art calling infrastructure for pre-sales. For free.
Sell.Do comes with built-in cloud telephony services that improve performance

Better real estate pre-sales calling with Sell.Do CRM

It is highly challenging to convert leads simply through marketing efforts. Human intervention is a must. Sell.Do’s CRM call centre empowers you with cutting-edge infrastructure so you get better numbers at the first touchpoint of your sales cycle. And the best part, you don’t have to pay a single extra Rupee for it!

Support for India Landing & Mobile Numbers

Get support for every type of phone number

We support both landline and mobile numbers, though mobile numbers are always preferred as the calling to pick-up ratio is better.

Support for India Landing & Mobile Numbers

Vanity Numbers

Use virtual numbers to track leads across mediums

An extensive base of virtual numbers makes it easy for you to automatically track leads from several campaigns and mediums at a time.

Vanity Numbers

On-premise & Cloud Telephony Support

With cloud telephony, you can rest assured that your team is working well remotely - sales persons get all the call centre features on their mobiles, while you get all the recordings and data. Don't worry if you have already invested in an on-premise set up; we have you covered. We are the only CRM which supports both on-premise & cloud telephony!

On-premise & Cloud Telephony Support

Built-in Voicemail, IVR & Greetings

Streamline incoming calls

Built-in voicemail, IVR and greetings create a smooth lead experience while reducing turnaround time and improving productivity for your team.

Built-in Voicemail, IVR & Greetings

Intelligent Call Routing

Automated lead distribution

Intelligent call routing allows you to automatically distribute incoming leads, either in a round robin pattern or according to pre-defined rules. You can choose to distribute leads to sales persons based on their location, product, expertise, hierarchy or department.

Intelligent Call Routing

Call Barging & Conference Calls

Manage the quality of your sales calls

Sales managers can "barge in" on on-going sales calls for quality control and can also be invited by the salesperson into a conference call to share their expertise.

Call Barging & Conference Calls

Real Time Monitoring & Dashboard

Keep a check on performance & productivity

Your real time dashboard provides insights into daily calling performance, lead progress and more. You can also set up 'expected performance vs achieved performance' benchmarks to help your pre-sales executives self-monitor and stay on top of their game.

Real Time Monitoring & Dashboard

Click to Call

Save on time with click-to-call

The easy click-to-call feature allows your sales team to place calls from within the system, saving them valuable time and eliminating the likelihood of procrastination.

Click to Call

Full Call-Center CRM Software for Real Estate

Reach out to your leads anywhere

Reach out to your leads no matter where they are, and track every interaction with Sell.Do's complete call centre solution. Cloud telephony, tracking & recording, intelligent call routing, integrated IVR, number management & lead bucketing help reduce overall turnaround time and improve productivity.

Full Call-Center CRM Software for Real Estate


What is the role of CRM in real estate pre-sales calling ?

How can CRM help streamline the pre-sales calling process?

What data can be collected and utilized through CRM for pre-sales calling?

How can CRM help improve the effectiveness of pre-sales calling strategies?

What features should I look for in a CRM system for real estate pre-sales calling?