Checklist For Real Estate Event Marketing

Marketing   |   Updated on: 11 June 2024

Let’s face it. Even the best real estate marketing strategies that might have worked a few years ago might be on a slippery slope in 2019. To make things worse, Facebook and Google both continuously change their algorithms. This means getting leads organically is harder than ever. The key is learning how to adapt your real estate marketing plans for 2019 to keep up with the pace of change.

With the advent of more and more developers, the competition is fierce, more now than ever. To stand out from the pack, you’ll need to employ expert online and offline marketing strategies to entice potential clients. It’s important to choose strategies that open you up to a larger audience. Apart from traditional above the line (ATL) marketing, you need to incorporate other engagement strategies through below the line activations (BTL) to develop a distinctive competitive advantage.To help you get started, here are four creative BTL activities for real estate marketing that you can try.

  1. Throw a community event on handover

    Throw a community event on handover

    If your property is ready for possession, you can throw an event in the project community where you handover the keys to homeowners. It is a great opportunity to get exposure to some new prospects, in the form of guest and extended families of your existing customers. They are bound to remember you as the developer responsible for the event. You could back it up with branded welcome gifts and of course, your business cards.

  2. Use latest technology to add convenience

     Use latest technology to add convenience

    Virtual Reality, being a technology within the reach of most people today, makes for the ideal way to offer virtual site visits. While you are marketing for your new project, you can send prospects your brochure with a Google cardboard setup so that they can check the project renders in 3D from the comfort of their homes.

  3. Partner with socially-active community organizations

    Partner with socially-active community organizations

    Another great way to increase your brand’s awareness among potential clients is to partner with a local NGO which works for the betterment of the community. This could give you that added advantage and act as an incentive for prospects to opt for your homes and not others, a game changer particularly at the end of the buying cycle. For example, partnering with an organization that works for cleaning up lakes and landfills in the area can strike a strong chord with your prospects.

  4. Take Care of Commuting Hassles

    Take Care of Commuting Hassles

    If you’re a developer hosting leads on site visits, taking full responsibility for their commute would work wonders. This holds especially true if your property is located at a considerable distance from the city or a less accessible locality. Make sure you have your pick-up service or arrange for a cab on site-visit days. Communicate it as a complimentary service, and you will see more site visits and recommendations rolling in!


    Buying a home is a complicated process, and most people don’t have the time to invest in available resources on the internet. Home-buyers would naturally prefer a face-to-face interaction any day. Organize events that educate them about the whole process and things to consider at every stage of the journey. This will not only make things easier for your prospects but also result in their queries getting resolved instantly.

Refer to these activities for real estate BTL marketing ideas. Feel free to modify and add other ideas of your own! Today, technology allows a lot of room for sales reps to stay productive and spend more time on what they are good at, i.e. selling. And a real estate CRM is one such tool that not only improves sales productivity but also offers a superior brand experience to buyers.


Sell.Do is the only sales and marketing platform you need for seamlessly integrating your sales and marketing division. The platform helps you dive deeper into advanced APIs like cost per quality lead, cost per site visits and cost per closures to get a better insight into your marketing campaign on sales. With Sell.Do, you can maximize ROMI by optimizing marketing campaign as per your sales performance. Generate leads and convert them easily through drip marketing with Sell.Do.

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